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Rulesets by Cazfi
Ruleset written completely from scratch, not just tweaked default rules.
We currently consider adding this to main freeciv project as the alternative
ruleset to default style ones.
Ruleset forked from the ruleset I play with, which itself has originally
been forked from freeciv's classic (default) ruleset.
Minimal ruleset with which freeciv still starts. Meant to be used as starting
point in developing real rulesets.
As of 2.6, stub ruleset is being maintained in main freeciv git repository. You
can always get the current development versions from there.
This ruleset contains only one nation, so there can be only one player.
Freeciv 2.1.4 and earlier crash if you try to start game with more than one
player. Freeciv 2.1.5 and later do not allow you to select more than 1 players.
- Stub-2.6-1 for Freeciv 2.6 (05-Jul-19) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset comments)
- Stub-2.6-0 for Freeciv 2.6 (05-May-16) tar.xz / 7z (First freeciv-2.6 compatible release)
- Stub-2.5-5 for Freeciv 2.5 (23-Feb-16) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset comments)
- Stub-2.5-4 for Freeciv 2.5 (02-Nov-15) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset comments)
- Stub-2.5-3 for Freeciv 2.5 (24-Oct-14) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset comments)
- Stub-2.5-2 for Freeciv 2.5 (14-Jul-14) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset comments)
- Stub-2.5-1 for Freeciv 2.5 (04-Jun-14) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset comments)
- Stub-2.5-0 for Freeciv 2.5 (01-Mar-14) tar.xz / 7z (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.4-2 for Freeciv 2.4 (04-Apr-13) tar.bz2 / zip (Bugfixes)
- Stub-2.4-1 for Freeciv 2.4 (08-Jul-12) tar.bz2 / zip (Fixed potential gettext warnings)
- Stub-2.3-1 for Freeciv 2.3 (08-Jul-12) tar.bz2 / zip (Fixed potential gettext warnings)
- Stub-2.4-0 for Freeciv 2.4 (15-Nov-11) tar.bz2 / zip (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.3-0 for Freeciv 2.3 (22-Feb-11) tar.bz2 / zip (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.2-6 for Freeciv 2.2 (10-Jun-09 / Freeciv TRUNK revision 15739) tar.bz2 / zip (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.2-5 for Freeciv 2.2 (14-May-09 / Freeciv TRUNK revision 15666) tar.bz2 / zip (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.2-4 for Freeciv 2.2 (05-Jan-09) tar.bz2 / zip (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.2-3 for Freeciv 2.2 (23-Jul-08) tar.bz2 / zip (Updated ruleset format)
- Stub-2.1-2 for Freeciv 2.1 (20-May-08) tar.bz2 / zip
- Stub-2.2-2 for Freeciv 2.2 (02-Jul-08) tar.bz2 / zip
Demo ruleset for testing and demonstrating possibilities Freeciv ruleset format allows.
This is based on above stub-ruleset. This ruleset is subject to unbalanced and
semi-random changes when ruleset format allows new things, or some feature is
already stable.
- Mountains are unpassable terrain to all units
- Gigantic Warmachines can enter hills only if there is road (2.2-2 and up)
- Small ship can transport only small land units, not Gigantic Warmachines (2.2-2 and up)
- Small ships can sail up rivers (2.2-3 and up)
- Five base types (2.2-4 and up). Base can coexist with other bases,
but all other base types conflict with each other
- Simple Fortress - Buildable from start to land tiles, gives defense bonus to
units of class Generic.
2.2-5 and up: Defense bonus 50%
- Advanced Fortress - Built instead of Simple Fortress once
Base Improvements has been researched. Claims territory, and gives defense
bonus also to Gigantic Warmachines
2.2-5 and up: Defense bonus 100%
- Tower - Cannot be built in game, but only placed from editor. Like
Advanced Fortress, but also protects against stack death.
2.2-5 and up: Defense bonus 150%
- Sea Platform - Buildable to Oceanic tiles, protects Ships against stack
- Base - If within 3 tiles from friendly city, units inside are not
considered aggressive
- Each technological discovery makes less years to pass each turn (2.2-5 and up)
- Advanced Settlers builds cities that start at size 2 (2.2-5 and up)
- All cities can airlift one unit. Airport increases number of possible airlifts to three. (2.2-5 and up)
- Only Gigantic Warmachines can pillage tile improvements (2.2-6 and up)
- Enemy ships do not prevent city from working tiles (2.2-6 and up)
- Bigger cities may suffer from plague (2.2-6 and up)
- Demoset-2.2-6 for Freeciv 2.2 (10-Jun-09 / Freeciv TRUNK revision 15739) tar.bz2 / zip
- Demoset-2.2-5 for Freeciv 2.2 (14-May-09 / Freeciv TRUNK revision 15666) tar.bz2 / zip
- Demoset-2.2-4 for Freeciv 2.2 (05-Jan-09) tar.bz2 / zip
- Demoset-2.2-3 for Freeciv 2.2 (19-Dec-08) tar.bz2 / zip
- Demoset-2.2-2 for Freeciv 2.2 (23-Jul-08) tar.bz2 / zip
- Demoset-2.2-1 for Freeciv 2.2 (03-Jul-08) tar.bz2
Demo ruleset for gen-movement. Works with development version of Freeciv.
This is modified version of default rulesets.
It's unlikely that I update this ruleset any more. Feature demonstrations
will be made with above demoset.
Differences to default rules
- Amphibious armor -unit. For most part considered land unit (City Walls, Barracks), but can also move at Sea
- Two types of Ocean: Ocean and Deep Ocean (Now part of default ruleset)
- Trireme can enter any Ocean tiles, but cannot enter Deep Ocean tile (Now part of default ruleset)
- Many units are considered Wheeled. They can enter some terrains only if there is road
- Trireme cannot transport Wheeled units
Rulesets by other authors
I have updated Ancients ruleset to work with latest Freeciv versions,
mainly for testing Freeciv engine. I have not paid attention to
balancing updated versions for playability.
More Ancients information from
Ancients wiki page.
Since version 2.3 freeciv comes with utility called
freeciv-modpack for easily installing modpacks. Easiest way to
obtain Ancients for freeciv 2.3 or 2.4 is to launch that utility
and select Ancients from the list it provides. Downloads below
are provided just for redundancy, and in case someone wants full
Ancients package (including outdated stuff not contained in
freeciv-modpack installable material).
Ancients for Freeciv 2.5.x
* tar.xz
* 7z
Ancients for Freeciv 2.4.x
* tar.bz2
* zip
Ancients for Freeciv 2.3.x
* tar.bz2
* zip
Ancients for Freeciv 2.2.x
tar.bz2 /
Ancients for Freeciv revision 15839
tar.bz2 /
I have updated Fantasy ruleset to work with current Freeciv development
version. Official Fantasy versions can be found from
wiki page.
Fantasy for Freeciv 2.2.x
tar.bz2 /
Fantasy for Freeciv revision 15839
tar.bz2 /
Marko Lindqvist |