
Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were waiting for my mom in the car. Its L. A. so planes and helicopters are always flying about. As i looked up I saw this rectangle shape darker than the night sky. It had bluish-green lights also it just flew up in a split second. Its hard to explain what it looked like however it just appeared outta nowhere and disappeared.

My boyfriend said, oh crap! did you see that? I was puzzled but I called norway Voices of the Deadmy brother right away and told him what we had just seen. I posted it up on myspace but no one had seen it. And I know for a fact it wasn't a kite or nothing like that. It may sound unreal but believe me I saw it and so did my boyfriend.

The rise of paranormal reality shows has brought a greater curiosity about EVP's. There are now many people who try to talk to a recording device to see what can be heard later. In doing this, you should remember that digital recorders pick up definitely every sound.

Get educated on how different things sound on your own recording device. A stomach rumble can appear to be a growl, a sliding chair can be matrixed into a one syllable word, and background noises [ http://www.squidoo.com/alienufofactor The Alien and UFO Factor]can be amplified to the point where they've been much louder on tape.

When conducting an EVP session, announce time of day, date, conditions of the weather and barometric pressures, as this will be helpful when reviewing the evidence. Never whisper... in the event that you must speak, use your normal words. A whisper The Paranormal Surveyby a human source may possibly not be remembered, so all "living" voices must be announced and identified as to not cause confusion when listening later.