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Someone recently left a comment on my blog asking if there was any way to add WiFi to an older CECT i9 after the fact. The person wanted to be able to connect to the internet for free without having to pay for data or a web plan. I don't know of any way to add WiFi to a phone that doesn't already have this feature. This is an internal mechanism within the phone and the phone would need the applicable software and drivers to make this feature work.I've actually read about supposed Chinese micro SD cards that have antennas built into them so that they can add WiFi to smart phones that don't already have this feature. However, I could certainly be wrong, but I've not seen this work in real life and I can't imagine it just working seamlessly without the corresponding software or drivers. Now, I have seen the cards that allow for you to upload photos and video to things like facebook and social networking via wireless hotspots, but this is entirely different. I've researched this with high hopes, as it would be an exciting offering, but so far, I've come up empty.To me, at least right now, it would be much easier, (and you'd likely have a better user experience,) if you considered upgrading to one of the newer models (like certain versions of the i9+++) that include WiFi, as much as 32GB of memory, and the compass feature. These newer phones that contain WiFi typically run in the $50 - $75 range. So, for just a little more than a 32GB memory card, you can also have the internal WiFi feature.Many people who ask me about this are wondering about it because they think that it's going to save them a lot of money on data usage. Having this feature can save you some money some of the time. There's no doubt about that. But sometimes, data and web usage isn't as expensive as you think. Some people assume that you need a data package or plan to get online, but this isn't the case.You do have two of two sims with this phones. Most pre paid or pay as you cards will allow for you to add some data or buy a bundle onto which you can add it. More of GSM sim cards are even including at least some data. And, there are some cards on the market that are unlimited and all inclusive (text, talk, and web) and are not too expensive either. I've seen them for as low as $25 - $30.If you use these, since the web is included anyway, it might not make since to buy a new phone just because of WiFi savings that might not even be present. But if you want to avoid data for other reasons (like speed and convenience) then there are upgraded i9+++ models that have this capability that are not all that expensive and also include the features of the CECT i9. google wifi