City size limits
No city without
Basic Infrastructure can
grow bigger than size 2.
For cities with Basic Infrastructure, planet's radiation limits how big they
can grow. This limit can be increased by researching
Radiation Resistance,
Strong Resistance and
Mental Powers technologies and by
Radiation Resistor and
Skyscraper buildings or
Protector wonder.
Cities on Alien Forest or
Radiating Rocks tiles have
lower size limits than cities placed on other terrains.
For some reason it's hard to get water to flow long distances in this world.
Irrigation is only possible on river tiles and tiles
cardinally adjacent to oceanic terrain once
Manufacturing technology is known.
Water Flow technology
allows us to irrigate tiles cardinally adjacent to city centers and river tiles.
Once one knows Deep Pumping technology,
one can irrigate any tile where terrain type allows it - no need for adjacent
tiles to have water.
Unit veterancy
There is two veterancy levels for units: Regular and Elite.
Regular units are promoted to Elite ones only rarely (10% chance) through
real combat experience, and never by doing worker activities.
One gets Elite units by building them in a city with
Training Facility.
Elite units have 100% bonus in combat compared to Regular ones.
Gold upkeep style
Gold upkeep for all buildings and units is paid in a lump sum after
all cities have been processed. If the player does not have enough
gold, random buildings from random cities are sold. If still more
gold is needed, then random units with gold upkeep are disbanded.
Game starts at year 250 Galactic Era. Each turn equals one year.
City Radius
Basic city radius square is 4 meaning that city can work all the
tiles adjacent to center and one tile two tiles away in the middle of each
side. This means that there is 13 workable tiles.
Building Transportation
increases radius so that 8 more tiles become available for total of 21.